Glendale Community College Complaints

Glendale Communi ty College Complaints 

The staff at this college not supportive of students   



I had a situation with this college and one of its teachers. The college was not supportive at all in its dealing in this matter. In fact, the college decided to victimize the student further as you will see from the claims in the attached emails. I have done nothing wrong. I will, however, go after the ones who have done me wrong. They need to get fired, be asked to step down from a position they are not qualified for or be reprimanded in some form. If they are doing this to me that means they are doing this to other students.               


The teacher mocked and accused me of not paying attention when she was confronted with her skipping chapters in a basic Armenian language class. Later for some odd reason she placed a disciplinary action report against me and things got worst after that. She filed a disciplinary reported accussing me of disrupting her class when in fact all the disruption was caused by herself. My comment included the sentence "You cannot teach a class and expect your students to know the material right away - your students need time to study and you must cover the material and not skip chapters in the book." Her reaction right after the words '...can't teach a class' were "What, you don't tell I can't teach!!! I told her I did not say she can't teach and kept trying to explain to her that although she had many students in her class who don't mind her skipping chapters, there were a few of us who are new to the language and we need to learn the material. It did not stop there. A student started talking in Armenian and she directed her anger against her "Tikin Nasdik, speak English, this is a basic Armenian course and you must only speak English" Then Tikin Nasdik directed her words towards me and said "My frend, we also have to study in this class even though we speak the language" - My reply to her was "Please don't refer to me as 'my frend' - that is quite offensive - I know you don't see it but people use this expression to belittle others."

The instructor not only mocked me in class but continued to do so via email after class was over and after she gave a D in the course. She accused me of not paying attention in class. She laughed at my efforts in other courses and for some weird reason said "if you already received an A and B in 3-4 levels of Armenian why are you taking Armenian 1? - if you got A and B in those classes without paying attention or doing homework""

The following review was placed by another student in the class who was complaining about the homework and she used the words "homework impossible to do". I totally understand where she is coming from because I myself spent  hours and hours trying to do homework and many of those assignments I simply could not do - they were also impossible for me to do.

From the emails you will see how Ms Girardi and Dr Tzoler Oukayan mishandled the situation and they too abused their power to further victimize the student. In my first meeting with Dr Tzoler Oukayan, I tried asking a few simple questions and she lashed out at me with "You are not questioning me Mr Heras" in a very disrespectful and condescending tone. I responded to her with "You asked for a meeting an a meeting means we converse and that means that I have the same rights to ask questions as you do. She upruptly just hanged up the Zoom meeting as if saying "How dare you talk to me like that, I am a PhD!" Sure, an educated accomplished doctor who does not have basic regards for others. I may be okay with getting a D in this class because I can make it up by taking it again but I will never be okay with a pretentious PhD to disrespect me the way Dr Tzoler Oukayan lashed out at me.  Now it seems that Dr Tzoler Oukayan should not be in charge of this since I don't believe she will make a nonbiased decision. That is since now she is included as part of the problem after our meeting and the amount of disrespect she portrayed in our meeting and her lost of temper - she lost her temper so much she lashed out to me and upruptly ended the Zoom meeting. Her disrespect needs to be taken seriously. This means that she already had a conclusion formed in her mind as to the matter without hearing the facts first. My message to you Ms Oukayan is that you step down from this matter since you are part of the problem and please let someone else take over who is going to be more responsible and less biased. There is just no way you will deliver an unbiased decision based on what has transpired and the way you have handled this matter so far.


Latest email today June 28, 2021

continued meetings with you... Anthony Heras 1:52 PM (0 minutes ago) to Tzoler, jbriones, valiciad, fdelacruz, ddiamond, hgaladjian, nhise, ehsi, hjenkins, slupo, mramon, vsimmons, hrdepartment, hraddresschange, lgirardi, Alana, dviar, hacopian, ransford, sbenlian, drabinov, ydavis, dkallas, aculpepper

Hi Dr Tzoler Aukayan, As a result of what has transpired in our last meeting and you losing your temper and abruptly ending our Zoom call without any warning whatsoever, I don't believe you can make an unbiased decision in this case. Therefore, I will request at this time that someone else take over. It seems very much to me that on Thursday when you disrespectfully lashed out at me and hung up the Zoom meeting, that you made your decision. Your abuse of power should be noted. There is sufficient information online at Glendale Community College Complaints ( and in the back and forth emails (I asked you to review) that makes additional meetings a bit superfluous. There should also be a class zoom meeting recording - as most instructors who have the best at heart for their students record their meeting for later review. This will show you that I have done nothing wrong. I have done nothing wrong as you can see from the emails and from the information I have published online. You cannot discipline someone when they have done nothing wrong. The only people I see doing something wrong in this matter are yourself, the instructor and Ms Girardi and I feel greatly that you should be disciplined for your wrongdoing. I hope the school administration sees the wrongdoing caused by all three of you and that they take action without being compelled to do so by myself and my attorney. Additionally, I strongly believe that if your staff is doing this to me, your staff is doing this to other more unsuspecting students. Your job should not be to victimize your students. It seems that you are the sole individual in charge of this department but I do believe you have others who oversee your work. As it stands right now, I will not be scheduling a meeting with you and will await notice from your replacement or superiors in this matter. Thank you, Anthony

latest email today June 25, 2021:

Reschedule Request Inbox Tzoler Oukayan 11:40 AM (9 minutes ago) to 

Good morning Mr. Heras: Per your request, please advise if you would like to reschedule our meeting, which was cut short on June 24, 2021. Dr. Tzoler Oukayan Dean, Student Affairs Office of Student Affairs 818-240-1000 Ext. 5594 

Anthony Heras 11:50 AM (0 minutes ago) to Tzoler 

Don't you think you need to apologize for your disrespect? The meeting was not cut short, you lost your temper. And yes, I will let you know on Monday. I am planning for Thursday of next week once my attorney confirms a meeting time.  


review placed by another student:


Here is the review I placed:


Here are a few more of the emails:

AH created this incident on Jun 23, 2021 - 7:54pm
 ---------- Forwarded message ---------
 From: Anthony Heras <>
 Date: Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 7:22 PM
 Subject: Request for disciplinary action against instructor
 To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
 This must be the worst instructor ever -skips lessons assuming class can handle the work without the skipped material. the problem is that the class can handle the material since this is Armenian area - HW becomes impossible as you face hundreds of new vocabulary words from skipped units. she mocks and accuses her students of not paying attention in class when they are not able to do the homework or in class participation. As you can see from the email thread things did not go perfectly. This teacher mocks her students and accuses them of not paying attention and laughs at their efforts. She is teaching a basic grade level class to students who already know the language and skips lessons and expects the non-native students in her class to do homework that is impossible to do unless you are a native speaker or if you ask a native speaker to do it for you.
 I need to request disciplinary action against this teacher and I don't know how to go about this so I am emailing everyone that may be of interest. I will continue to do so until my situation is attended to and eventually even take it outside the college if the issue remains unresolved. As you can also see from the emails I will not take abuse from anyone and this teacher has sent me very abusive emails in which I have exercised my natural right to defend myself. She is also making accusations that I was disruptive in class when there is a zoom recording that such is not true and all emails including this one leave a thread of what has transpired and at one point it becomes self explanatory. The college should have an easier way for students to exercise their grievance rights but that does not seem to be the case as even some of the limited links available are broken links.
 Re: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 Tue, Jun 15, 2021 3:56 pm
 Anthony Heras ( Details
 Hi Lourdes,
 You have ignored this issue and it has escalated. Now what I need you to do is to contact your superiors and discuss with them why it is okay that you don't take care of business as you are supposed to do. The email threads are below. I will wait for results otherwise I will be forced to contact them myself until I get an explanation as to why you let problems go unresolved. My emails to you have been direct and to the point and I will continue this tone as long as I know that you going to carry things in a careless manner as you have to now, and even starting with not responding to questions in email in a appropriate or sufficient manner.
 Anthony Heras, Siranush Bakunts
 ARMEN 101 - Beginning Armenian I #1836 - Spring 2021
 June 15, 2021 at 3:40pm
 Reply to conversation ...and I am way ahead of you - These emails are being forwarded to the entire school administration, even to your janitors. What you are doing is wrong and your email was wrong and things need to get fixed. The missing teeth in your course need to be filled.
 Message actions for ...and I am way ahead of you - These emails are being forwarded to the entire school administration, even to your janitors. What you are doing is wrong and your email was wrong and things need to get fixed. The missing teeth in your course need to be filled.
 ...and I am way ahead of you - These emails are being forwarded to the entire school administration, even to your janitors. What you are doing is wrong and your email was wrong and things need to get fixed. The missing teeth in your course need to be filled.
 Anthony Heras, Siranush Bakunts
 ARMEN 101 - Beginning Armenian I #1836 - Spring 2021
 June 15, 2021 at 3:38pm
 Reply to conversation ... and the only reason I state or even stated that I have studied 40 different languages was so you can understand my point, you don't know what you are doing and I know this because I have been around instructors (more than 40 of them) who do know what they are doing. These teachers are not teaching native speakers to speak their own language at a basic level. They understand that they are teaching (or at least that they are supposed to be teaching) a basic language course. They are not pulling a Luis and an Anthony to the side to give them special help. You were pulling Luis and Anthony to the side or making special arrangements with us because you, although you are a very foolish person, you at least had a minimum understanding that your instruction has missing teeth. You are in denial, although you had a few confessions in your own wording. You have a bad program that is not geared to basic learners of the language, but rather geared to people who already have a spoken command of the language. A quick word about your homework assignments - you expect people to do your homework and deal with 300 new words (you don't know how to count because you say there were only 20). Just no way anyone that does not know the language will be able to that homework with all those new words - yes, I know Siranush - they are not new words - they been around for thousands of years, but you fail to understand that they are knew to the student who does not know the language. However, your foolishness does not let you see this - to you they are basic words - all 300 of them in the chapter, but to the learner of your language, they are new words and not too basic. Other language teachers know and understand this - why don't you!!!???
 Message actions for ... and the only reason I state or even stated that I have studied 40 different languages was so you can understand my point, you don't know what you are doing and I know this because I have been around instructors (more than 40 of them) who do know what they are doing. These teachers are not teaching native speakers to speak their own language at a basic level. They understand that they are teaching (or at least that they are supposed to be teaching) a basic language course. They are not pulling a Luis and an Anthony to the side to give them special help. You were pulling Luis and Anthony to the side or making special arrangements with us because you, although you are a very foolish person, you at least had a minimum understanding that your instruction has missing teeth. You are in denial, although you had a few confessions in your own wording. You have a bad program that is not geared to basic learners of the language, but rather geared to people who already have a spoken command of the language. A quick word about your homework assignments - you expect people to do your homework and deal with 300 new words (you don't know how to count because you say there were only 20). Just no way anyone that does not know the language will be able to that homework with all those new words - yes, I know Siranush - they are not new words - they been around for thousands of years, but you fail to understand that they are knew to the student who does not know the language. However, your foolishness does not let you see this - to you they are basic words - all 300 of them in the chapter, but to the learner of your language, they are new words and not too basic. Other language teachers know and understand this - why don't you!!!???
 ... and the only reason I state or even stated that I have studied 40 different languages was so you can understand my point, you don't know what you are doing and I know this because I have been around instructors (more than 40 of them) who do know what they are doing. These teachers are not teaching native speakers to speak their own language at a basic level. They understand that they are teaching (or at least that they are supposed to be teaching) a basic language course. They are not pulling a Luis and an Anthony to the side to give them special help. You were pulling Luis and Anthony to the side or making special arrangements with us because you, although you are a very foolish person, you at least had a minimum understanding that your instruction has missing teeth. You are in denial, although you had a few confessions in your own wording. You have a bad program that is not geared to basic learners of the language, but rather geared to people who already have a spoken command of the language. A quick word about your homework assignments - you expect people to do your homework and deal with 300 new words (you don't know how to count because you say there were only 20). Just no way anyone that does not know the language will be able to that homework with all those new words - yes, I know Siranush - they are not new words - they been around for thousands of years, but you fail to understand that they are knew to the student who does not know the language. However, your foolishness does not let you see this - to you they are basic words - all 300 of them in the chapter, but to the learner of your language, they are new words and not too basic. Other language teachers know and understand this - why don't you!!!???
 Anthony Heras, Siranush Bakunts
 ARMEN 101 - Beginning Armenian I #1836 - Spring 2021
 June 15, 2021 at 3:10pm
 Reply to conversation You are definitely worst that I thought. How and where did you get that from my comment about my language studies, did you get that "I already knew the language" and that I already "reached level 3 or 4" I think you are a real idiot if you mis-understood what I said about studying 40 different languages and reaching 3-4 levels in them - you mis-understood it to mean that I reached level 3-4 in Armenian. You are also a fool to admit what I have been telling you all along - that this is a college level Armenian class - you are foolishly stating that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who are not even supposed to know how to read or write? And yes, let's talk about other students you foolish goat, you gave Luis a B grade when he was not supposed to pass the class. FYI I only took Armenian 2 once and asked the teacher to let me drop so I can re-take the class when I get proper transportation, The college administration shows that I got 2 Ws I don't know exactly how that happened and I don't really care. My first try was that one time and only time I have been to GCC and never tried it again. Your accusations are unfounded, and you blabbing away about my work and not doing homework is nonsense - you are so extremely foolish you have no business teaching a language course or anything else at that. What? GCC college drives around the block and picks up any Armenian speaking woman and assumes they can automatically teach? Like I said, you are teaching people who already know the language and I wish you would get 30 Luis' in your class so you can see how foolish you really are and that you can see that it is not easy to teach a language properly if you teach it the way you do - that is if you can call what you do teaching. YOU KNOW HOW FOOLISH YOU SOUND WHEN YOU STATE THAT THIS IS A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE? YOU ARE TEACHING A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE TO STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE KNOWING HOW TO READ AND WRITE ARMENIAN YET!!! I have encountered some bad teachers along the way, but so far you win the first prize. By your own admission, you state that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who don't know how to read and write Armenian. And the 20 words vocabulary you are claiming - you need to go to another dog with that bone - I counted them and there were at least 300 new words per lesson. Yes, you been around the block for 21 years, I do believe you, and for 21 years, you have been teaching Armenian speakers how to speak basic Armenian - congratulations - I bet you are really proud of yourself.
 Message actions for You are definitely worst that I thought. How and where did you get that from my comment about my language studies, did you get that "I already knew the language" and that I already "reached level 3 or 4" I think you are a real idiot if you mis-understood what I said about studying 40 different languages and reaching 3-4 levels in them - you mis-understood it to mean that I reached level 3-4 in Armenian. You are also a fool to admit what I have been telling you all along - that this is a college level Armenian class - you are foolishly stating that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who are not even supposed to know how to read or write? And yes, let's talk about other students you foolish goat, you gave Luis a B grade when he was not supposed to pass the class. FYI I only took Armenian 2 once and asked the teacher to let me drop so I can re-take the class when I get proper transportation, The college administration shows that I got 2 Ws I don't know exactly how that happened and I don't really care. My first try was that one time and only time I have been to GCC and never tried it again. Your accusations are unfounded, and you blabbing away about my work and not doing homework is nonsense - you are so extremely foolish you have no business teaching a language course or anything else at that. What? GCC college drives around the block and picks up any Armenian speaking woman and assumes they can automatically teach? Like I said, you are teaching people who already know the language and I wish you would get 30 Luis' in your class so you can see how foolish you really are and that you can see that it is not easy to teach a language properly if you teach it the way you do - that is if you can call what you do teaching. YOU KNOW HOW FOOLISH YOU SOUND WHEN YOU STATE THAT THIS IS A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE? YOU ARE TEACHING A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE TO STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE KNOWING HOW TO READ AND WRITE ARMENIAN YET!!! I have encountered some bad teachers along the way, but so far you win the first prize. By your own admission, you state that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who don't know how to read and write Armenian. And the 20 words vocabulary you are claiming - you need to go to another dog with that bone - I counted them and there were at least 300 new words per lesson. Yes, you been around the block for 21 years, I do believe you, and for 21 years, you have been teaching Armenian speakers how to speak basic Armenian - congratulations - I bet you are really proud of yourself.
 You are definitely worst that I thought. How and where did you get that from my comment about my language studies, did you get that "I already knew the language" and that I already "reached level 3 or 4" I think you are a real idiot if you mis-understood what I said about studying 40 different languages and reaching 3-4 levels in them - you mis-understood it to mean that I reached level 3-4 in Armenian. You are also a fool to admit what I have been telling you all along - that this is a college level Armenian class - you are foolishly stating that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who are not even supposed to know how to read or write? And yes, let's talk about other students you foolish goat, you gave Luis a B grade when he was not supposed to pass the class. FYI I only took Armenian 2 once and asked the teacher to let me drop so I can re-take the class when I get proper transportation, The college administration shows that I got 2 Ws I don't know exactly how that happened and I don't really care. My first try was that one time and only time I have been to GCC and never tried it again. Your accusations are unfounded, and you blabbing away about my work and not doing homework is nonsense - you are so extremely foolish you have no business teaching a language course or anything else at that. What? GCC college drives around the block and picks up any Armenian speaking woman and assumes they can automatically teach? Like I said, you are teaching people who already know the language and I wish you would get 30 Luis' in your class so you can see how foolish you really are and that you can see that it is not easy to teach a language properly if you teach it the way you do - that is if you can call what you do teaching. YOU KNOW HOW FOOLISH YOU SOUND WHEN YOU STATE THAT THIS IS A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE? YOU ARE TEACHING A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE TO STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE KNOWING HOW TO READ AND WRITE ARMENIAN YET!!! I have encountered some bad teachers along the way, but so far you win the first prize. By your own admission, you state that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who don't know how to read and write Armenian. And the 20 words vocabulary you are claiming - you need to go to another dog with that bone - I counted them and there were at least 300 new words per lesson. Yes, you been around the block for 21 years, I do believe you, and for 21 years, you have been teaching Armenian speakers how to speak basic Armenian - congratulations - I bet you are really proud of yourself.
 Siranush Bakunts, Anthony Heras
 ARMEN 101 - Beginning Armenian I #1836 - Spring 2021
 June 14, 2021 at 11:40pm
 Reply to conversation Hello Anthony, I hope this email finds you well. I don’t want to talk to you about other students’ grades, I don’t even have the right to discuss with you or with anybody else what grades other students received. Let’s just talk about you and your grade in particular. First of all, let me tell you that this is a college level Armenian 101, it’s not definitely the first grade of elementary school. At the college we teach a total immersion method, and the instructor should speak and explain a lot of things (even grammar) in native language. Being able to communicate and talk Armenian in my class, doesn’t necessarily mean being able to write and read the Armenian language. Here everybody starts with the Armenian letters, with writing and reading simple sentences, but it doesn’t mean that they are fluent in Armenian. Armenian is one of the most ancient languages in the world that has 4000 years of history, and many years of dedication is required to fully master the language. Second of all, I want to talk about you. If you already knew the language, and had already reached level 3 or 4, I don’t see the point of taking Armenian 101, or if you were that fluent in the Armenian language, how come you ended up getting 2 W s. I have been around the block for 21 years, and during that period of time I have had thousands of students who truly valued and appreciated my knowledge and expertise. With that said, I am leaving it up to you to try and figure out the reason why you got the grade that you got. For a student, who did absolutely nothing for 2-3 months, who did nothing for the whole semester, who did no homework, who joined the class from his workplace, who didn’t read the new lesson, who didn’t learn the new vocabulary of 20-25 words after each lesson, it is more than expected to not being able to overcome the challenge of 250-300 new words by the end of the 10th lesson. I don’t want to repeat myself unless I have to, but this is a college level Armenian, and during the week the student has to work on his own for at least 20-22 hours outside the class. Apparently, someone who hasn’t done all this, blames the instructor in the attempt of his own justification. I gave you multiple opportunities to get a C, so you should at least be more appreciative that you got a D and passed the course. So, it’s not my fault that your final grade was a D. Instead of blaming others, try to find the answers within yourself. Last but not least, if you were lucky enough to find a course/class where a student gets an A or B without not doing a single thing during the entire semester, then I wish you nothing else but Good Luck! I will be more than happy for you, if you can master the 40 other languages this way. Have a great summer vacation! Sincerely, S. Bakunts
 Message actions for Hello Anthony, I hope this email finds you well. I don’t want to talk to you about other students’ grades, I don’t even have the right to discuss with you or with anybody else what grades other students received. Let’s just talk about you and your grade in particular. First of all, let me tell you that this is a college level Armenian 101, it’s not definitely the first grade of elementary school. At the college we teach a total immersion method, and the instructor should speak and explain a lot of things (even grammar) in native language. Being able to communicate and talk Armenian in my class, doesn’t necessarily mean being able to write and read the Armenian language. Here everybody starts with the Armenian letters, with writing and reading simple sentences, but it doesn’t mean that they are fluent in Armenian. Armenian is one of the most ancient languages in the world that has 4000 years of history, and many years of dedication is required to fully master the language. Second of all, I want to talk about you. If you already knew the language, and had already reached level 3 or 4, I don’t see the point of taking Armenian 101, or if you were that fluent in the Armenian language, how come you ended up getting 2 W s. I have been around the block for 21 years, and during that period of time I have had thousands of students who truly valued and appreciated my knowledge and expertise. With that said, I am leaving it up to you to try and figure out the reason why you got the grade that you got. For a student, who did absolutely nothing for 2-3 months, who did nothing for the whole semester, who did no homework, who joined the class from his workplace, who didn’t read the new lesson, who didn’t learn the new vocabulary of 20-25 words after each lesson, it is more than expected to not being able to overcome the challenge of 250-300 new words by the end of the 10th lesson. I don’t want to repeat myself unless I have to, but this is a college level Armenian, and during the week the student has to work on his own for at least 20-22 hours outside the class. Apparently, someone who hasn’t done all this, blames the instructor in the attempt of his own justification. I gave you multiple opportunities to get a C, so you should at least be more appreciative that you got a D and passed the course. So, it’s not my fault that your final grade was a D. Instead of blaming others, try to find the answers within yourself. Last but not least, if you were lucky enough to find a course/class where a student gets an A or B without not doing a single thing during the entire semester, then I wish you nothing else but Good Luck! I will be more than happy for you, if you can master the 40 other languages this way. Have a great summer vacation! Sincerely, S. Bakunts
 Hello Anthony,
 I hope this email finds you well.
 I don’t want to talk to you about other students’ grades, I don’t even have the right to discuss with you or with anybody else what grades other students received.
 Let’s just talk about you and your grade in particular.
 First of all, let me tell you that this is a college level Armenian 101, it’s not definitely the first grade of elementary school. At the college we teach a total immersion method, and the instructor should speak and explain a lot of things (even grammar) in native language. Being able to communicate and talk Armenian in my class, doesn’t necessarily mean being able to write and read the Armenian language. Here everybody starts with the Armenian letters, with writing and reading simple sentences, but it doesn’t mean that they are fluent in Armenian. Armenian is one of the most ancient languages in the world that has 4000 years of history, and many years of dedication is required to fully master the language.
 Second of all, I want to talk about you. If you already knew the language, and had already reached level 3 or 4, I don’t see the point of taking Armenian 101, or if you were that fluent in the Armenian language, how come you ended up getting 2 W s.
 I have been around the block for 21 years, and during that period of time I have had thousands of students who truly valued and appreciated my knowledge and expertise. With that said, I am leaving it up to you to try and figure out the reason why you got the grade that you got. For a student, who did absolutely nothing for 2-3 months, who did nothing for the whole semester, who did no homework, who joined the class from his workplace, who didn’t read the new lesson, who didn’t learn the new vocabulary of 20-25 words after each lesson, it is more than expected to not being able to overcome the challenge of 250-300 new words by the end of the 10th lesson.
 I don’t want to repeat myself unless I have to, but this is a college level Armenian, and during the week the student has to work on his own for at least 20-22 hours outside the class. Apparently, someone who hasn’t done all this, blames the instructor in the attempt of his own justification. I gave you multiple opportunities to get a C, so you should at least be more appreciative that you got a D and passed the course. So, it’s not my fault that your final grade was a D. Instead of blaming others, try to find the answers within yourself.
 Last but not least, if you were lucky enough to find a course/class where a student gets an A or B without not doing a single thing during the entire semester, then I wish you nothing else but Good Luck! I will be more than happy for you, if you can master the 40 other languages this way.
 Have a great summer vacation!
 S. Bakunts
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Lourdes Girardi <>
 To: Anthony Heras <>
 Sent: Mon, May 31, 2021 8:00 pm
 Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 I responded to you on 5/21/21 explaining the process.
 Lourdes Girardi
 Chair, Language Arts Division
 Associate Professor of Spanish
 Glendale Community College
 1500 N. Verdugo Road
 Glendale, CA 91208
 818-240-1000 x 5720
 From: Anthony Heras <>
 Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2021 7:04 PM
 To: Lourdes Girardi <>
 Subject: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions?
 Do you want me to take up to the next level? Because I will. It is of great disrespect of your part to be holding a position at the college and to basically not be doing your job! I think I have been patient enough - I have given you more than a week!
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Anthony Heras <>
 To: <> <>
 Sent: Fri, May 21, 2021 10:30 am
 Subject: second repeat petition
 Please see attached second repeat petition. Please sign the petition and forwarding it to the instructor so she can sign it. I believe there two others places I have to get a signature from? Do you know why the college is doing this to their students?
 Re: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 Mon, Jun 14, 2021 12:28 pm
 Anthony Heras ( Details
 You may think I was harsh with you but my comments to you were appropriate being that you did not respond to the email as requested. Yes, it went to junk mail but the contents of your response was trash because it did not address the issues raised or even answer any of the questions therein. If you don't want to risk students calling it out like it is, maybe you can show some responsible email responses. Contacting you has made the situation worst and someone needs to shame you for it - I think your job there in a step up position is to find solutions, not to make things worst. When people get frustrated they tend to say things that they may later regret, but let me tell you, you can ask me 15 years later and my response would be the same. -
 Your school is putting your students to extra hardship as punishment for what you believe they did wrong and it is not your school's job to punish students. Since, I find no way that you would help, my only purpose for this email is to shame you for the way your dealt with this issue and to let you know that not only were you useless but you actually caused more harm than good. If you don't believe this is true, then tell me where is the email where you answered what was addressed in the emails?
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Lourdes Girardi <>
 To: Anthony Heras <>
 Sent: Mon, May 31, 2021 8:00 pm
 Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 I responded to you on 5/21/21 explaining the process.
 Lourdes Girardi
 Chair, Language Arts Division
 Associate Professor of Spanish
 Glendale Community College
 1500 N. Verdugo Road
 Glendale, CA 91208
 818-240-1000 x 5720
 From: Anthony Heras <>
 Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2021 7:04 PM
 To: Lourdes Girardi <>
 Subject: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions?
 Do you want me to take up to the next level? Because I will. It is of great disrespect of your part to be holding a position at the college and to basically not be doing your job! I think I have been patient enough - I have given you more than a week!
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Anthony Heras <>
 To: <> <>
 Sent: Fri, May 21, 2021 10:30 am
 Subject: second repeat petition
 Please see attached second repeat petition. Please sign the petition and forwarding it to the instructor so she can sign it. I believe there two others places I have to get a signature from? Do you know why the college is doing this to their students?
 Service requester
 (New Incident)
 Received at
 Jun 23, 2021 - 7:54pm
 Assigned to
 Helpdesk Queue (Verdugo)
 Glendale Community College | Help Desk by SolarWinds
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 Armando Sanchez
 7:18 AM (10 hours ago)
 ### Armando Sanchez commented on incident [#14727] ### Reply above this line to add a comment AS Armando Sanchez commented on incident #14727 Hello, we at the h
 Victoria Simmons
 7:37 AM (10 hours ago)
 Good Morning Anthony, Thank you for your email and expressions of concern. Your email has been forwarded to Dean Agnes Eguaras and Vice President of Instruction
 Victoria Simmons via
 7:38 AM (10 hours ago)
 to me, ddiamond, ehsi, fdelacruz, fstrong, hgaladjian, hjenkins, jbriones, mramon, nhise, slupo, valiciad, vsimmons
 ### Victoria Simmons commented on incident [#14727] ###
 Reply above this line to add a comment
 Victoria Simmons commented on incident #14727
 Good Morning Anthony,
 Thank you for your email and expressions of concern.
 Your email has been forwarded to Dean Agnes Eguaras and Vice President of Instruction, Michael Ritterbrown under separate cover. Dean Eguaras will be in contact with you soon.
 Warm regards,
 Victoria Simmons,
 Vice President, Human Resources
 Glendale Community College District
 1500 North Verdugo Road
 Glendale, CA 91208-2894
 From: Armando Sanchez
 Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2021 7:18 AM
 Cc: Donna Diamond; Edward Hsi; Frinna De La Cruz Trespeses; Frankie Strong; Helen Galadjian; Heidi Jenkins; Jennifer Briones; Maricela Ramon; Nicole Hise; Sara Lupo; Valicia Dantzler; Victoria Simmons
 Subject: Incident #14727 Fwd: Request for disciplinary action against instructor
 Armando Sanchez commented on this incident on Jun 24, 2021 - 7:18am
 Hello, we at the help desk do not handle student issues with instructors, we are an IT department and handle IT issues. You can email the vide president at, Mr. Ritterbrown will be able to help you.
 Armando Sanchez updated this incident on Jun 24, 2021 - 7:15am
 State changed from pending assignment to assigned
 Assignee changed from Helpdesk Queue (Verdugo) to Armando Sanchez
 AH created this incident on Jun 23, 2021 - 7:54pm
 ---------- Forwarded message ---------
 From: Anthony Heras <>
 Date: Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 7:22 PM
 Subject: Request for disciplinary action against instructor
 To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
 This must be the worst instructor ever -skips lessons assuming class can handle the work without the skipped material. the problem is that the class can handle the material since this is Armenian area - HW becomes impossible as you face hundreds of new vocabulary words from skipped units. she mocks and accuses her students of not paying attention in class when they are not able to do the homework or in class participation. As you can see from the email thread things did not go perfectly. This teacher mocks her students and accuses them of not paying attention and laughs at their efforts. She is teaching a basic grade level class to students who already know the language and skips lessons and expects the non-native students in her class to do homework that is impossible to do unless you are a native speaker or if you ask a native speaker to do it for you.
 I need to request disciplinary action against this teacher and I don't know how to go about this so I am emailing everyone that may be of interest. I will continue to do so until my situation is attended to and eventually even take it outside the college if the issue remains unresolved. As you can also see from the emails I will not take abuse from anyone and this teacher has sent me very abusive emails in which I have exercised my natural right to defend myself. She is also making accusations that I was disruptive in class when there is a zoom recording that such is not true and all emails including this one leave a thread of what has transpired and at one point it becomes self explanatory. The college should have an easier way for students to exercise their grievance rights but that does not seem to be the case as even some of the limited links available are broken links.
 Re: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 Tue, Jun 15, 2021 3:56 pm
 Anthony Heras ( Details
 Hi Lourdes,
 You have ignored this issue and it has escalated. Now what I need you to do is to contact your superiors and discuss with them why it is okay that you don't take care of business as you are supposed to do. The email threads are below. I will wait for results otherwise I will be forced to contact them myself until I get an explanation as to why you let problems go unresolved. My emails to you have been direct and to the point and I will continue this tone as long as I know that you going to carry things in a careless manner as you have to now, and even starting with not responding to questions in email in a appropriate or sufficient manner.
 Anthony Heras, Siranush Bakunts
 ARMEN 101 - Beginning Armenian I #1836 - Spring 2021
 June 15, 2021 at 3:40pm
 Reply to conversation ...and I am way ahead of you - These emails are being forwarded to the entire school administration, even to your janitors. What you are doing is wrong and your email was wrong and things need to get fixed. The missing teeth in your course need to be filled.
 Message actions for ...and I am way ahead of you - These emails are being forwarded to the entire school administration, even to your janitors. What you are doing is wrong and your email was wrong and things need to get fixed. The missing teeth in your course need to be filled.
 ...and I am way ahead of you - These emails are being forwarded to the entire school administration, even to your janitors. What you are doing is wrong and your email was wrong and things need to get fixed. The missing teeth in your course need to be filled.
 Anthony Heras, Siranush Bakunts
 ARMEN 101 - Beginning Armenian I #1836 - Spring 2021
 June 15, 2021 at 3:38pm
 Reply to conversation ... and the only reason I state or even stated that I have studied 40 different languages was so you can understand my point, you don't know what you are doing and I know this because I have been around instructors (more than 40 of them) who do know what they are doing. These teachers are not teaching native speakers to speak their own language at a basic level. They understand that they are teaching (or at least that they are supposed to be teaching) a basic language course. They are not pulling a Luis and an Anthony to the side to give them special help. You were pulling Luis and Anthony to the side or making special arrangements with us because you, although you are a very foolish person, you at least had a minimum understanding that your instruction has missing teeth. You are in denial, although you had a few confessions in your own wording. You have a bad program that is not geared to basic learners of the language, but rather geared to people who already have a spoken command of the language. A quick word about your homework assignments - you expect people to do your homework and deal with 300 new words (you don't know how to count because you say there were only 20). Just no way anyone that does not know the language will be able to that homework with all those new words - yes, I know Siranush - they are not new words - they been around for thousands of years, but you fail to understand that they are knew to the student who does not know the language. However, your foolishness does not let you see this - to you they are basic words - all 300 of them in the chapter, but to the learner of your language, they are new words and not too basic. Other language teachers know and understand this - why don't you!!!???
 Message actions for ... and the only reason I state or even stated that I have studied 40 different languages was so you can understand my point, you don't know what you are doing and I know this because I have been around instructors (more than 40 of them) who do know what they are doing. These teachers are not teaching native speakers to speak their own language at a basic level. They understand that they are teaching (or at least that they are supposed to be teaching) a basic language course. They are not pulling a Luis and an Anthony to the side to give them special help. You were pulling Luis and Anthony to the side or making special arrangements with us because you, although you are a very foolish person, you at least had a minimum understanding that your instruction has missing teeth. You are in denial, although you had a few confessions in your own wording. You have a bad program that is not geared to basic learners of the language, but rather geared to people who already have a spoken command of the language. A quick word about your homework assignments - you expect people to do your homework and deal with 300 new words (you don't know how to count because you say there were only 20). Just no way anyone that does not know the language will be able to that homework with all those new words - yes, I know Siranush - they are not new words - they been around for thousands of years, but you fail to understand that they are knew to the student who does not know the language. However, your foolishness does not let you see this - to you they are basic words - all 300 of them in the chapter, but to the learner of your language, they are new words and not too basic. Other language teachers know and understand this - why don't you!!!???
 ... and the only reason I state or even stated that I have studied 40 different languages was so you can understand my point, you don't know what you are doing and I know this because I have been around instructors (more than 40 of them) who do know what they are doing. These teachers are not teaching native speakers to speak their own language at a basic level. They understand that they are teaching (or at least that they are supposed to be teaching) a basic language course. They are not pulling a Luis and an Anthony to the side to give them special help. You were pulling Luis and Anthony to the side or making special arrangements with us because you, although you are a very foolish person, you at least had a minimum understanding that your instruction has missing teeth. You are in denial, although you had a few confessions in your own wording. You have a bad program that is not geared to basic learners of the language, but rather geared to people who already have a spoken command of the language. A quick word about your homework assignments - you expect people to do your homework and deal with 300 new words (you don't know how to count because you say there were only 20). Just no way anyone that does not know the language will be able to that homework with all those new words - yes, I know Siranush - they are not new words - they been around for thousands of years, but you fail to understand that they are knew to the student who does not know the language. However, your foolishness does not let you see this - to you they are basic words - all 300 of them in the chapter, but to the learner of your language, they are new words and not too basic. Other language teachers know and understand this - why don't you!!!???
 Anthony Heras, Siranush Bakunts
 ARMEN 101 - Beginning Armenian I #1836 - Spring 2021
 June 15, 2021 at 3:10pm
 Reply to conversation You are definitely worst that I thought. How and where did you get that from my comment about my language studies, did you get that "I already knew the language" and that I already "reached level 3 or 4" I think you are a real idiot if you mis-understood what I said about studying 40 different languages and reaching 3-4 levels in them - you mis-understood it to mean that I reached level 3-4 in Armenian. You are also a fool to admit what I have been telling you all along - that this is a college level Armenian class - you are foolishly stating that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who are not even supposed to know how to read or write? And yes, let's talk about other students you foolish goat, you gave Luis a B grade when he was not supposed to pass the class. FYI I only took Armenian 2 once and asked the teacher to let me drop so I can re-take the class when I get proper transportation, The college administration shows that I got 2 Ws I don't know exactly how that happened and I don't really care. My first try was that one time and only time I have been to GCC and never tried it again. Your accusations are unfounded, and you blabbing away about my work and not doing homework is nonsense - you are so extremely foolish you have no business teaching a language course or anything else at that. What? GCC college drives around the block and picks up any Armenian speaking woman and assumes they can automatically teach? Like I said, you are teaching people who already know the language and I wish you would get 30 Luis' in your class so you can see how foolish you really are and that you can see that it is not easy to teach a language properly if you teach it the way you do - that is if you can call what you do teaching. YOU KNOW HOW FOOLISH YOU SOUND WHEN YOU STATE THAT THIS IS A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE? YOU ARE TEACHING A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE TO STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE KNOWING HOW TO READ AND WRITE ARMENIAN YET!!! I have encountered some bad teachers along the way, but so far you win the first prize. By your own admission, you state that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who don't know how to read and write Armenian. And the 20 words vocabulary you are claiming - you need to go to another dog with that bone - I counted them and there were at least 300 new words per lesson. Yes, you been around the block for 21 years, I do believe you, and for 21 years, you have been teaching Armenian speakers how to speak basic Armenian - congratulations - I bet you are really proud of yourself.
 Message actions for You are definitely worst that I thought. How and where did you get that from my comment about my language studies, did you get that "I already knew the language" and that I already "reached level 3 or 4" I think you are a real idiot if you mis-understood what I said about studying 40 different languages and reaching 3-4 levels in them - you mis-understood it to mean that I reached level 3-4 in Armenian. You are also a fool to admit what I have been telling you all along - that this is a college level Armenian class - you are foolishly stating that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who are not even supposed to know how to read or write? And yes, let's talk about other students you foolish goat, you gave Luis a B grade when he was not supposed to pass the class. FYI I only took Armenian 2 once and asked the teacher to let me drop so I can re-take the class when I get proper transportation, The college administration shows that I got 2 Ws I don't know exactly how that happened and I don't really care. My first try was that one time and only time I have been to GCC and never tried it again. Your accusations are unfounded, and you blabbing away about my work and not doing homework is nonsense - you are so extremely foolish you have no business teaching a language course or anything else at that. What? GCC college drives around the block and picks up any Armenian speaking woman and assumes they can automatically teach? Like I said, you are teaching people who already know the language and I wish you would get 30 Luis' in your class so you can see how foolish you really are and that you can see that it is not easy to teach a language properly if you teach it the way you do - that is if you can call what you do teaching. YOU KNOW HOW FOOLISH YOU SOUND WHEN YOU STATE THAT THIS IS A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE? YOU ARE TEACHING A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE TO STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE KNOWING HOW TO READ AND WRITE ARMENIAN YET!!! I have encountered some bad teachers along the way, but so far you win the first prize. By your own admission, you state that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who don't know how to read and write Armenian. And the 20 words vocabulary you are claiming - you need to go to another dog with that bone - I counted them and there were at least 300 new words per lesson. Yes, you been around the block for 21 years, I do believe you, and for 21 years, you have been teaching Armenian speakers how to speak basic Armenian - congratulations - I bet you are really proud of yourself.
 You are definitely worst that I thought. How and where did you get that from my comment about my language studies, did you get that "I already knew the language" and that I already "reached level 3 or 4" I think you are a real idiot if you mis-understood what I said about studying 40 different languages and reaching 3-4 levels in them - you mis-understood it to mean that I reached level 3-4 in Armenian. You are also a fool to admit what I have been telling you all along - that this is a college level Armenian class - you are foolishly stating that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who are not even supposed to know how to read or write? And yes, let's talk about other students you foolish goat, you gave Luis a B grade when he was not supposed to pass the class. FYI I only took Armenian 2 once and asked the teacher to let me drop so I can re-take the class when I get proper transportation, The college administration shows that I got 2 Ws I don't know exactly how that happened and I don't really care. My first try was that one time and only time I have been to GCC and never tried it again. Your accusations are unfounded, and you blabbing away about my work and not doing homework is nonsense - you are so extremely foolish you have no business teaching a language course or anything else at that. What? GCC college drives around the block and picks up any Armenian speaking woman and assumes they can automatically teach? Like I said, you are teaching people who already know the language and I wish you would get 30 Luis' in your class so you can see how foolish you really are and that you can see that it is not easy to teach a language properly if you teach it the way you do - that is if you can call what you do teaching. YOU KNOW HOW FOOLISH YOU SOUND WHEN YOU STATE THAT THIS IS A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE? YOU ARE TEACHING A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE TO STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE KNOWING HOW TO READ AND WRITE ARMENIAN YET!!! I have encountered some bad teachers along the way, but so far you win the first prize. By your own admission, you state that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who don't know how to read and write Armenian. And the 20 words vocabulary you are claiming - you need to go to another dog with that bone - I counted them and there were at least 300 new words per lesson. Yes, you been around the block for 21 years, I do believe you, and for 21 years, you have been teaching Armenian speakers how to speak basic Armenian - congratulations - I bet you are really proud of yourself.
 Siranush Bakunts, Anthony Heras
 ARMEN 101 - Beginning Armenian I #1836 - Spring 2021
 June 14, 2021 at 11:40pm
 Reply to conversation Hello Anthony, I hope this email finds you well. I don’t want to talk to you about other students’ grades, I don’t even have the right to discuss with you or with anybody else what grades other students received. Let’s just talk about you and your grade in particular. First of all, let me tell you that this is a college level Armenian 101, it’s not definitely the first grade of elementary school. At the college we teach a total immersion method, and the instructor should speak and explain a lot of things (even grammar) in native language. Being able to communicate and talk Armenian in my class, doesn’t necessarily mean being able to write and read the Armenian language. Here everybody starts with the Armenian letters, with writing and reading simple sentences, but it doesn’t mean that they are fluent in Armenian. Armenian is one of the most ancient languages in the world that has 4000 years of history, and many years of dedication is required to fully master the language. Second of all, I want to talk about you. If you already knew the language, and had already reached level 3 or 4, I don’t see the point of taking Armenian 101, or if you were that fluent in the Armenian language, how come you ended up getting 2 W s. I have been around the block for 21 years, and during that period of time I have had thousands of students who truly valued and appreciated my knowledge and expertise. With that said, I am leaving it up to you to try and figure out the reason why you got the grade that you got. For a student, who did absolutely nothing for 2-3 months, who did nothing for the whole semester, who did no homework, who joined the class from his workplace, who didn’t read the new lesson, who didn’t learn the new vocabulary of 20-25 words after each lesson, it is more than expected to not being able to overcome the challenge of 250-300 new words by the end of the 10th lesson. I don’t want to repeat myself unless I have to, but this is a college level Armenian, and during the week the student has to work on his own for at least 20-22 hours outside the class. Apparently, someone who hasn’t done all this, blames the instructor in the attempt of his own justification. I gave you multiple opportunities to get a C, so you should at least be more appreciative that you got a D and passed the course. So, it’s not my fault that your final grade was a D. Instead of blaming others, try to find the answers within yourself. Last but not least, if you were lucky enough to find a course/class where a student gets an A or B without not doing a single thing during the entire semester, then I wish you nothing else but Good Luck! I will be more than happy for you, if you can master the 40 other languages this way. Have a great summer vacation! Sincerely, S. Bakunts
 Message actions for Hello Anthony, I hope this email finds you well. I don’t want to talk to you about other students’ grades, I don’t even have the right to discuss with you or with anybody else what grades other students received. Let’s just talk about you and your grade in particular. First of all, let me tell you that this is a college level Armenian 101, it’s not definitely the first grade of elementary school. At the college we teach a total immersion method, and the instructor should speak and explain a lot of things (even grammar) in native language. Being able to communicate and talk Armenian in my class, doesn’t necessarily mean being able to write and read the Armenian language. Here everybody starts with the Armenian letters, with writing and reading simple sentences, but it doesn’t mean that they are fluent in Armenian. Armenian is one of the most ancient languages in the world that has 4000 years of history, and many years of dedication is required to fully master the language. Second of all, I want to talk about you. If you already knew the language, and had already reached level 3 or 4, I don’t see the point of taking Armenian 101, or if you were that fluent in the Armenian language, how come you ended up getting 2 W s. I have been around the block for 21 years, and during that period of time I have had thousands of students who truly valued and appreciated my knowledge and expertise. With that said, I am leaving it up to you to try and figure out the reason why you got the grade that you got. For a student, who did absolutely nothing for 2-3 months, who did nothing for the whole semester, who did no homework, who joined the class from his workplace, who didn’t read the new lesson, who didn’t learn the new vocabulary of 20-25 words after each lesson, it is more than expected to not being able to overcome the challenge of 250-300 new words by the end of the 10th lesson. I don’t want to repeat myself unless I have to, but this is a college level Armenian, and during the week the student has to work on his own for at least 20-22 hours outside the class. Apparently, someone who hasn’t done all this, blames the instructor in the attempt of his own justification. I gave you multiple opportunities to get a C, so you should at least be more appreciative that you got a D and passed the course. So, it’s not my fault that your final grade was a D. Instead of blaming others, try to find the answers within yourself. Last but not least, if you were lucky enough to find a course/class where a student gets an A or B without not doing a single thing during the entire semester, then I wish you nothing else but Good Luck! I will be more than happy for you, if you can master the 40 other languages this way. Have a great summer vacation! Sincerely, S. Bakunts
 Hello Anthony,
 I hope this email finds you well.
 I don’t want to talk to you about other students’ grades, I don’t even have the right to discuss with you or with anybody else what grades other students received.
 Let’s just talk about you and your grade in particular.
 First of all, let me tell you that this is a college level Armenian 101, it’s not definitely the first grade of elementary school. At the college we teach a total immersion method, and the instructor should speak and explain a lot of things (even grammar) in native language. Being able to communicate and talk Armenian in my class, doesn’t necessarily mean being able to write and read the Armenian language. Here everybody starts with the Armenian letters, with writing and reading simple sentences, but it doesn’t mean that they are fluent in Armenian. Armenian is one of the most ancient languages in the world that has 4000 years of history, and many years of dedication is required to fully master the language.
 Second of all, I want to talk about you. If you already knew the language, and had already reached level 3 or 4, I don’t see the point of taking Armenian 101, or if you were that fluent in the Armenian language, how come you ended up getting 2 W s.
 I have been around the block for 21 years, and during that period of time I have had thousands of students who truly valued and appreciated my knowledge and expertise. With that said, I am leaving it up to you to try and figure out the reason why you got the grade that you got. For a student, who did absolutely nothing for 2-3 months, who did nothing for the whole semester, who did no homework, who joined the class from his workplace, who didn’t read the new lesson, who didn’t learn the new vocabulary of 20-25 words after each lesson, it is more than expected to not being able to overcome the challenge of 250-300 new words by the end of the 10th lesson.
 I don’t want to repeat myself unless I have to, but this is a college level Armenian, and during the week the student has to work on his own for at least 20-22 hours outside the class. Apparently, someone who hasn’t done all this, blames the instructor in the attempt of his own justification. I gave you multiple opportunities to get a C, so you should at least be more appreciative that you got a D and passed the course. So, it’s not my fault that your final grade was a D. Instead of blaming others, try to find the answers within yourself.
 Last but not least, if you were lucky enough to find a course/class where a student gets an A or B without not doing a single thing during the entire semester, then I wish you nothing else but Good Luck! I will be more than happy for you, if you can master the 40 other languages this way.
 Have a great summer vacation!
 S. Bakunts
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Lourdes Girardi <>
 To: Anthony Heras <>
 Sent: Mon, May 31, 2021 8:00 pm
 Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 I responded to you on 5/21/21 explaining the process.
 Lourdes Girardi
 Chair, Language Arts Division
 Associate Professor of Spanish
 Glendale Community College
 1500 N. Verdugo Road
 Glendale, CA 91208
 818-240-1000 x 5720
 From: Anthony Heras <>
 Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2021 7:04 PM
 To: Lourdes Girardi <>
 Subject: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions?
 Do you want me to take up to the next level? Because I will. It is of great disrespect of your part to be holding a position at the college and to basically not be doing your job! I think I have been patient enough - I have given you more than a week!
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Anthony Heras <>
 To: <> <>
 Sent: Fri, May 21, 2021 10:30 am
 Subject: second repeat petition
 Please see attached second repeat petition. Please sign the petition and forwarding it to the instructor so she can sign it. I believe there two others places I have to get a signature from? Do you know why the college is doing this to their students?
 Re: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 Mon, Jun 14, 2021 12:28 pm
 Anthony Heras ( Details
 You may think I was harsh with you but my comments to you were appropriate being that you did not respond to the email as requested. Yes, it went to junk mail but the contents of your response was trash because it did not address the issues raised or even answer any of the questions therein. If you don't want to risk students calling it out like it is, maybe you can show some responsible email responses. Contacting you has made the situation worst and someone needs to shame you for it - I think your job there in a step up position is to find solutions, not to make things worst. When people get frustrated they tend to say things that they may later regret, but let me tell you, you can ask me 15 years later and my response would be the same. -
 Your school is putting your students to extra hardship as punishment for what you believe they did wrong and it is not your school's job to punish students. Since, I find no way that you would help, my only purpose for this email is to shame you for the way your dealt with this issue and to let you know that not only were you useless but you actually caused more harm than good. If you don't believe this is true, then tell me where is the email where you answered what was addressed in the emails?
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Lourdes Girardi <>
 To: Anthony Heras <>
 Sent: Mon, May 31, 2021 8:00 pm
 Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 I responded to you on 5/21/21 explaining the process.
 Lourdes Girardi
 Chair, Language Arts Division
 Associate Professor of Spanish
 Glendale Community College
 1500 N. Verdugo Road
 Glendale, CA 91208
 818-240-1000 x 5720
 From: Anthony Heras <>
 Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2021 7:04 PM
 To: Lourdes Girardi <>
 Subject: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions?
 Do you want me to take up to the next level? Because I will. It is of great disrespect of your part to be holding a position at the college and to basically not be doing your job! I think I have been patient enough - I have given you more than a week!
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Anthony Heras <>
 To: <> <>
 Sent: Fri, May 21, 2021 10:30 am
 Subject: second repeat petition
 Please see attached second repeat petition. Please sign the petition and forwarding it to the instructor so she can sign it. I believe there two others places I have to get a signature from? Do you know why the college is doing this to their students?
 Service requester
 (New Incident)
 Received at
 Jun 23, 2021 - 7:54pm
 Assigned to
 Armando Sanchez
 Glendale Community College | Help Desk by SolarWinds

Anthony Culpepper
 5:42 PM (7 minutes ago)
 to me, Debra
 Hello Anthony,
 Thank you for your email communication. I have read your letter and hear your concern.
 I’m forwarding this email to the appropriate parties that will follow up on this matter.
 You should hear from someone shortly.
 Please do not hesitate to contact me.
 Warm regards,
 Dr. Anthony Culpepper
 Executive Vice President
 This message, together with any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is legally privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message or any attachment is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the original sender immediately by telephone or by return e-mail and delete this message, along with any attachments, from your computer.
 From: Anthony Heras <>
 Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2021 3:49 PM
 To: Debra Kallas <>; Anthony Culpepper <>
 Subject: Fwd: Request for disciplinary action against instructor
 ---------- Forwarded message ---------
 From: Anthony Heras <>
 Date: Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 7:22 PM
 Subject: Request for disciplinary action against instructor
 To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
 This must be the worst instructor ever -skips lessons assuming class can handle the work without the skipped material. the problem is that the class can handle the material since this is Armenian area - HW becomes impossible as you face hundreds of new vocabulary words from skipped units. she mocks and accuses her students of not paying attention in class when they are not able to do the homework or in class participation. As you can see from the email thread things did not go perfectly. This teacher mocks her students and accuses them of not paying attention and laughs at their efforts. She is teaching a basic grade level class to students who already know the language and skips lessons and expects the non-native students in her class to do homework that is impossible to do unless you are a native speaker or if you ask a native speaker to do it for you.
 I need to request disciplinary action against this teacher and I don't know how to go about this so I am emailing everyone that may be of interest. I will continue to do so until my situation is attended to and eventually even take it outside the college if the issue remains unresolved. As you can also see from the emails I will not take abuse from anyone and this teacher has sent me very abusive emails in which I have exercised my natural right to defend myself. She is also making accusations that I was disruptive in class when there is a zoom recording that such is not true and all emails including this one leave a thread of what has transpired and at one point it becomes self explanatory. The college should have an easier way for students to exercise their grievance rights but that does not seem to be the case as even some of the limited links available are broken links.
 Re: [EXTERNAL] I asked you a question over a week ago! Why are do you not respond to student questions? : second repeat petition
 Tue, Jun 15, 2021 3:56 pm
 Anthony Heras ( Details
 Hi Lourdes,
 You have ignored this issue and it has escalated. Now what I need you to do is to contact your superiors and discuss with them why it is okay that you don't take care of business as you are supposed to do. The email threads are below. I will wait for results otherwise I will be forced to contact them myself until I get an explanation as to why you let problems go unresolved. My emails to you have been direct and to the point and I will continue this tone as long as I know that you going to carry things in a careless manner as you have to now, and even starting with not responding to questions in email in a appropriate or sufficient manner.
 · Anthony Heras, Siranush BakuntsARMEN 101 - Beginning Armenian I #1836 - Spring 2021
 June 15, 2021 at 3:40pm
 o Reply to conversation ...and I am way ahead of you - These emails are being forwarded to the entire school administration, even to your janitors. What you are doing is wrong and your email was wrong and things need to get fixed. The missing teeth in your course need to be filled.
 · Message actions for ...and I am way ahead of you - These emails are being forwarded to the entire school administration, even to your janitors. What you are doing is wrong and your email was wrong and things need to get fixed. The missing teeth in your course need to be filled.
 ...and I am way ahead of you - These emails are being forwarded to the entire school administration, even to your janitors. What you are doing is wrong and your email was wrong and things need to get fixed. The missing teeth in your course need to be filled.
 · Anthony Heras, Siranush BakuntsARMEN 101 - Beginning Armenian I #1836 - Spring 2021
 June 15, 2021 at 3:38pm
 o Reply to conversation ... and the only reason I state or even stated that I have studied 40 different languages was so you can understand my point, you don't know what you are doing and I know this because I have been around instructors (more than 40 of them) who do know what they are doing. These teachers are not teaching native speakers to speak their own language at a basic level. They understand that they are teaching (or at least that they are supposed to be teaching) a basic language course. They are not pulling a Luis and an Anthony to the side to give them special help. You were pulling Luis and Anthony to the side or making special arrangements with us because you, although you are a very foolish person, you at least had a minimum understanding that your instruction has missing teeth. You are in denial, although you had a few confessions in your own wording. You have a bad program that is not geared to basic learners of the language, but rather geared to people who already have a spoken command of the language. A quick word about your homework assignments - you expect people to do your homework and deal with 300 new words (you don't know how to count because you say there were only 20). Just no way anyone that does not know the language will be able to that homework with all those new words - yes, I know Siranush - they are not new words - they been around for thousands of years, but you fail to understand that they are knew to the student who does not know the language. However, your foolishness does not let you see this - to you they are basic words - all 300 of them in the chapter, but to the learner of your language, they are new words and not too basic. Other language teachers know and understand this - why don't you!!!???
 · Message actions for ... and the only reason I state or even stated that I have studied 40 different languages was so you can understand my point, you don't know what you are doing and I know this because I have been around instructors (more than 40 of them) who do know what they are doing. These teachers are not teaching native speakers to speak their own language at a basic level. They understand that they are teaching (or at least that they are supposed to be teaching) a basic language course. They are not pulling a Luis and an Anthony to the side to give them special help. You were pulling Luis and Anthony to the side or making special arrangements with us because you, although you are a very foolish person, you at least had a minimum understanding that your instruction has missing teeth. You are in denial, although you had a few confessions in your own wording. You have a bad program that is not geared to basic learners of the language, but rather geared to people who already have a spoken command of the language. A quick word about your homework assignments - you expect people to do your homework and deal with 300 new words (you don't know how to count because you say there were only 20). Just no way anyone that does not know the language will be able to that homework with all those new words - yes, I know Siranush - they are not new words - they been around for thousands of years, but you fail to understand that they are knew to the student who does not know the language. However, your foolishness does not let you see this - to you they are basic words - all 300 of them in the chapter, but to the learner of your language, they are new words and not too basic. Other language teachers know and understand this - why don't you!!!???
 ... and the only reason I state or even stated that I have studied 40 different languages was so you can understand my point, you don't know what you are doing and I know this because I have been around instructors (more than 40 of them) who do know what they are doing. These teachers are not teaching native speakers to speak their own language at a basic level. They understand that they are teaching (or at least that they are supposed to be teaching) a basic language course. They are not pulling a Luis and an Anthony to the side to give them special help. You were pulling Luis and Anthony to the side or making special arrangements with us because you, although you are a very foolish person, you at least had a minimum understanding that your instruction has missing teeth. You are in denial, although you had a few confessions in your own wording. You have a bad program that is not geared to basic learners of the language, but rather geared to people who already have a spoken command of the language. A quick word about your homework assignments - you expect people to do your homework and deal with 300 new words (you don't know how to count because you say there were only 20). Just no way anyone that does not know the language will be able to that homework with all those new words - yes, I know Siranush - they are not new words - they been around for thousands of years, but you fail to understand that they are knew to the student who does not know the language. However, your foolishness does not let you see this - to you they are basic words - all 300 of them in the chapter, but to the learner of your language, they are new words and not too basic. Other language teachers know and understand this - why don't you!!!???
 · Anthony Heras, Siranush BakuntsARMEN 101 - Beginning Armenian I #1836 - Spring 2021
 June 15, 2021 at 3:10pm
 o Reply to conversation You are definitely worst that I thought. How and where did you get that from my comment about my language studies, did you get that "I already knew the language" and that I already "reached level 3 or 4" I think you are a real idiot if you mis-understood what I said about studying 40 different languages and reaching 3-4 levels in them - you mis-understood it to mean that I reached level 3-4 in Armenian. You are also a fool to admit what I have been telling you all along - that this is a college level Armenian class - you are foolishly stating that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who are not even supposed to know how to read or write? And yes, let's talk about other students you foolish goat, you gave Luis a B grade when he was not supposed to pass the class. FYI I only took Armenian 2 once and asked the teacher to let me drop so I can re-take the class when I get proper transportation, The college administration shows that I got 2 Ws I don't know exactly how that happened and I don't really care. My first try was that one time and only time I have been to GCC and never tried it again. Your accusations are unfounded, and you blabbing away about my work and not doing homework is nonsense - you are so extremely foolish you have no business teaching a language course or anything else at that. What? GCC college drives around the block and picks up any Armenian speaking woman and assumes they can automatically teach? Like I said, you are teaching people who already know the language and I wish you would get 30 Luis' in your class so you can see how foolish you really are and that you can see that it is not easy to teach a language properly if you teach it the way you do - that is if you can call what you do teaching. YOU KNOW HOW FOOLISH YOU SOUND WHEN YOU STATE THAT THIS IS A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE? YOU ARE TEACHING A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE TO STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE KNOWING HOW TO READ AND WRITE ARMENIAN YET!!! I have encountered some bad teachers along the way, but so far you win the first prize. By your own admission, you state that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who don't know how to read and write Armenian. And the 20 words vocabulary you are claiming - you need to go to another dog with that bone - I counted them and there were at least 300 new words per lesson. Yes, you been around the block for 21 years, I do believe you, and for 21 years, you have been teaching Armenian speakers how to speak basic Armenian - congratulations - I bet you are really proud of yourself.
 · Message actions for You are definitely worst that I thought. How and where did you get that from my comment about my language studies, did you get that "I already knew the language" and that I already "reached level 3 or 4" I think you are a real idiot if you mis-understood what I said about studying 40 different languages and reaching 3-4 levels in them - you mis-understood it to mean that I reached level 3-4 in Armenian. You are also a fool to admit what I have been telling you all along - that this is a college level Armenian class - you are foolishly stating that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who are not even supposed to know how to read or write? And yes, let's talk about other students you foolish goat, you gave Luis a B grade when he was not supposed to pass the class. FYI I only took Armenian 2 once and asked the teacher to let me drop so I can re-take the class when I get proper transportation, The college administration shows that I got 2 Ws I don't know exactly how that happened and I don't really care. My first try was that one time and only time I have been to GCC and never tried it again. Your accusations are unfounded, and you blabbing away about my work and not doing homework is nonsense - you are so extremely foolish you have no business teaching a language course or anything else at that. What? GCC college drives around the block and picks up any Armenian speaking woman and assumes they can automatically teach? Like I said, you are teaching people who already know the language and I wish you would get 30 Luis' in your class so you can see how foolish you really are and that you can see that it is not easy to teach a language properly if you teach it the way you do - that is if you can call what you do teaching. YOU KNOW HOW FOOLISH YOU SOUND WHEN YOU STATE THAT THIS IS A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE? YOU ARE TEACHING A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE TO STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE KNOWING HOW TO READ AND WRITE ARMENIAN YET!!! I have encountered some bad teachers along the way, but so far you win the first prize. By your own admission, you state that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who don't know how to read and write Armenian. And the 20 words vocabulary you are claiming - you need to go to another dog with that bone - I counted them and there were at least 300 new words per lesson. Yes, you been around the block for 21 years, I do believe you, and for 21 years, you have been teaching Armenian speakers how to speak basic Armenian - congratulations - I bet you are really proud of yourself.
 You are definitely worst that I thought. How and where did you get that from my comment about my language studies, did you get that "I already knew the language" and that I already "reached level 3 or 4" I think you are a real idiot if you mis-understood what I said about studying 40 different languages and reaching 3-4 levels in them - you mis-understood it to mean that I reached level 3-4 in Armenian. You are also a fool to admit what I have been telling you all along - that this is a college level Armenian class - you are foolishly stating that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who are not even supposed to know how to read or write? And yes, let's talk about other students you foolish goat, you gave Luis a B grade when he was not supposed to pass the class. FYI I only took Armenian 2 once and asked the teacher to let me drop so I can re-take the class when I get proper transportation, The college administration shows that I got 2 Ws I don't know exactly how that happened and I don't really care. My first try was that one time and only time I have been to GCC and never tried it again. Your accusations are unfounded, and you blabbing away about my work and not doing homework is nonsense - you are so extremely foolish you have no business teaching a language course or anything else at that. What? GCC college drives around the block and picks up any Armenian speaking woman and assumes they can automatically teach? Like I said, you are teaching people who already know the language and I wish you would get 30 Luis' in your class so you can see how foolish you really are and that you can see that it is not easy to teach a language properly if you teach it the way you do - that is if you can call what you do teaching. YOU KNOW HOW FOOLISH YOU SOUND WHEN YOU STATE THAT THIS IS A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE? YOU ARE TEACHING A COLLEGE LEVEL ARMENIAN COURSE TO STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE KNOWING HOW TO READ AND WRITE ARMENIAN YET!!! I have encountered some bad teachers along the way, but so far you win the first prize. By your own admission, you state that you are teaching college level Armenian to students who don't know how to read and write Armenian. And the 20 words vocabulary you are claiming - you need to go to another dog with that bone - I counted them and there were at least 300 new words per lesson. Yes, you been around the block for 21 years, I do believe you, and for 21 years, you have been teaching Armenian speakers how to speak basic Armenian - congratulations - I bet you are really proud of yourself.
 · Siranush Bakunts, Anthony HerasARMEN 101 - Beginning Armenian I #1836 - Spring 2021
 June 14, 2021 at 11:40pm
 o Reply to conversation Hello Anthony, I hope this email finds you well. I don’t want to talk to you about other students’ grades, I don’t even have the right to discuss with you or with anybody else what grades other students received. Let’s just talk about you and your grade in particular. First of all, let me tell you that this is a college level Armenian 101, it’s not definitely the first grade of elementary school. At the college we teach a total immersion method, and the instructor should speak and explain a lot of things (even grammar) in native language. Being able to communicate and talk Armenian in my class, doesn’t necessarily mean being able to write and read the Armenian language. Here everybody starts with the Armenian letters, with writing and reading simple sentences, but it doesn’t mean that they are fluent in Armenian. Armenian is one of the most ancient languages in the world that has 4000 years of history, and many years of dedication is required to fully master the language. Second of all, I want to talk about you. If you already knew the language, and had already reached level 3 or 4, I don’t see the point of taking Armenian 101, or if you were that fluent in the Armenian language, how come you ended up getting 2 W s. I have been around the block for 21 years, and during that period of time I have had thousands of students who truly valued and appreciated my knowledge and expertise. With that said, I am leaving it up to you to try and figure out the reason why you got the grade that you got. For a student, who did absolutely nothing for 2-3 months, who did nothing for the whole semester, who did no homework, who joined the class from his workplace, who didn’t read the new lesson, who didn’t learn the new vocabulary of 20-25 words after each lesson, it is more than expected to not being able to overcome the challenge of 250-300 new words by the end of the 10th lesson. I don’t want to repeat myself unless I have to, but this is a college level Armenian, and during the week the student has to work on his own for at least 20-22 hours outside the class. Apparently, someone who hasn’t done all this, blames the instructor in the attempt of his own justification. I gave you multiple opportunities to get a C, so you should at least be more appreciative that you got a D and passed the course. So, it’s not my fault that your final grade was a D. Instead of blaming others, try to find the answers within yourself. Last but not least, if you were lucky enough to find a course/class where a student gets an A or B without not doing a single thing during the entire semester, then I wish you nothing else but Good Luck! I will be more than happy for you, if you can master the 40 other languages this way. Have a great summer vacation! Sincerely, S. Bakunts
 Memo from the Office of Student Affairs
 Tzoler Oukayan
 Wed, Jun 16, 2:51 PM (8 days ago)
 Good afternoon Mr. Heras, Please see attached memo from my office. If you have any question, please let me know. Referenced in this email is the college’s Stand
 Anthony Heras <>
 2:18 PM (3 hours ago)
 to Tzoler
 Well that did not go well. 
 You are not permitted to disrespect me. You said "You are not questioning me Mr Heras" in a very disrespectful and condescending tone. I have as much of a right to question you as you do me. After all you did ask for a meeting and meeting means we are going to have a conversation - a two way conversation - and you interjected and actually accused me of interrupting you when I was asking you my two simple questions. 
 Another request I had was that our meeting be recorded and I don't remember hearing Zoom tell me that our meeting was being recorded which means that it was not. That is contrary to my request for a recorded session. For someone who is stating that they are neutral in this situation it sure seemed to the contrary. 
 I reminded you that I am not ten years old and you hung up. I asked you very simple questions after I stated to you that I will not answer any questions without my attorney present. I do however, want to know that you looked at the evidence before you made a decision to make accusations of misconduct and from your answers I have gathered that you have not and that you don't feel that you have to. My attorney will interrogate you - Are you going to hang up on him too? 
 Anthony Heras <>
 2:38 PM (3 hours ago)
 to jbriones, valiciad, fdelacruz, ddiamond, hgaladjian, nhise, ehsi, hjenkins, slupo, mramon, vsimmons, hrdepartment, hraddresschange, lgirardi, Alana
 Anthony Heras <>
 2:55 PM (2 hours ago)
 to Tzoler
 I can understand your disrespect too. In your mind you are thinking "How dare you, I am a Dr." and then you turn around and disrespect your students, young people who have not been through the amount of units as you have. I am older than you so at least I expect that your parents have taught you some basic things such as to respect your elders, I have also taken more units than you have so there you go, it seems that you would at least provide some minimum respect. You are not a good person - good people respect others regardless of their background. On the other hand, I don't know if I should thank you - you looked at me and you thought I was so young that you started treating me like a 10 year old. That would have been fine if it was not for the disrespect and your outburst - "You are not questioning me Mr Heras!" 
 Anthony Heras <>
 2:55 PM (2 hours ago)
 to jbriones, valiciad, fdelacruz, ddiamond, hgaladjian, nhise, ehsi, hjenkins, slupo, mramon, vsimmons, hrdepartment, hraddresschange, lgirardi, Alana
 Anthony Heras <>
 3:43 PM (2 hours ago)
 to dviar, hacopian, ransford, sbenlian, drabinov, ydavis
 Anthony Heras <>
 3:43 PM (2 hours ago)
 to dviar, hacopian, ransford, sbenlian, drabinov, ydavis
 Anthony Heras <>
 3:47 PM (2 hours ago)
 to dkallas, aculpepper
 Memo from the Office of Student Affairs
 Tzoler Oukayan <>
 Wed, Jun 16, 2:51 PM (8 days ago)
 Good afternoon Mr. Heras,
 Please see attached memo from my office. If you have any question, please let me know. Referenced in this email is the college’s Standards of Student Conduct (AR5500).
 Tzoler Oukayan
 Dean, Student Affairs
 818-240-1000  Ext. 5594
 Attachments area
 Anthony Heras <>
 2:18 PM (3 hours ago)
 to Tzoler
 Well that did not go well. 
 You are not permitted to disrespect me. You said "You are not questioning me Mr Heras" in a very disrespectful and condescending tone. I have as much of a right to question you as you do me. After all you did ask for a meeting and meeting means we are going to have a conversation - a two way conversation - and you interjected and actually accused me of interrupting you when I was asking you my two simple questions. 
 Another request I had was that our meeting be recorded and I don't remember hearing Zoom tell me that our meeting was being recorded which means that it was not. That is contrary to my request for a recorded session. For someone who is stating that they are neutral in this situation it sure seemed to the contrary. 
 I reminded you that I am not ten years old and you hung up. I asked you very simple questions after I stated to you that I will not answer any questions without my attorney present. I do however, want to know that you looked at the evidence before you made a decision to make accusations of misconduct and from your answers I have gathered that you have not and that you don't feel that you have to. My attorney will interrogate you - Are you going to hang up on him too? 
 Anthony Heras <>
 2:38 PM (3 hours ago)
 to jbriones, valiciad, fdelacruz, ddiamond, hgaladjian, nhise, ehsi, hjenkins, slupo, mramon, vsimmons, hrdepartment, hraddresschange, lgirardi, Alana
 Anthony Heras <>
 2:55 PM (2 hours ago)
 to Tzoler
 I can understand your disrespect too. In your mind you are thinking "How dare you, I am a Dr." and then you turn around and disrespect your students, young people who have not been through the amount of units as you have. I am older than you so at least I expect that your parents have taught you some basic things such as to respect your elders, I have also taken more units than you have so there you go, it seems that you would at least provide some minimum respect. You are not a good person - good people respect others regardless of their background. On the other hand, I don't know if I should thank you - you looked at me and you thought I was so young that you started treating me like a 10 year old. That would have been fine if it was not for the disrespect and your outburst - "You are not questioning me Mr Heras!" 
 Anthony Heras <>
 2:55 PM (2 hours ago)
 to jbriones, valiciad, fdelacruz, ddiamond, hgaladjian, nhise, ehsi, hjenkins, slupo, mramon, vsimmons, hrdepartment, hraddresschange, lgirardi, Alana
 Anthony Heras <>
 3:43 PM (2 hours ago)
 to dviar, hacopian, ransford, sbenlian, drabinov, ydavis
 Anthony Heras <>
 3:43 PM (2 hours ago)
 to dviar, hacopian, ransford, sbenlian, drabinov, ydavis
 Anthony Heras <>
 3:47 PM (2 hours ago)
 to dkallas, aculpepper
 2 of 12
 questions not answered in emails and issues where not addressed.
 Anthony Heras <>
 Wed, Jun 23, 5:23 PM (1 day ago)
 to lgirardi
 Mr Girardi, 
 I am giving you one more chance to provide an adequate response to my emails and for you to answer the questions addressed in the email. You did none of these! I will place a complaint to your superiors for what I deem as abusive and a dereliction of your duty at the college. When people ask you a question it is only basic that you answer or you state your unwillingness to answer and you did none of these things. You placed a complaint against me for my blunt calling you out on these and I don't see how asking you to do your job is considered a cause for disciplinary action. You have a lot of explaining to do. 
 Anthony Heras <>
 3:47 PM (2 hours ago)
 to dkallas, aculpepper

Memo from the Office of Student Affairs
 Tzoler Oukayan <>
 Jun 16, 2021, 2:51 PM (8 days ago)
 Good afternoon Mr. Heras,
 Please see attached memo from my office. If you have any question, please let me know. Referenced in this email is the college’s Standards of Student Conduct (AR5500).
 Tzoler Oukayan
 Dean, Student Affairs
 818-240-1000 Ext. 5594
 cid:image001.png@01D33D3A.C4F00C60 cid:image002.png@01D33D3A.C4F00C60 cid:image003.png@01D33D3A.C4F00C60 cid:image006.png@01D33D3D.46A23010
 Attachments area
 Anthony Heras <>
 2:18 PM (4 hours ago)
 to Tzoler
 Well that did not go well.
 You are not permitted to disrespect me. You said "You are not questioning me Mr Heras" in a very disrespectful and condescending tone. I have as much of a right to question you as you do me. After all you did ask for a meeting and meeting means we are going to have a conversation - a two way conversation - and you interjected and actually accused me of interrupting you when I was asking you my two simple questions.
 Another request I had was that our meeting be recorded and I don't remember hearing Zoom tell me that our meeting was being recorded which means that it was not. That is contrary to my request for a recorded session. For someone who is stating that they are neutral in this situation it sure seemed to the contrary.
 I reminded you that I am not ten years old and you hung up. I asked you very simple questions after I stated to you that I will not answer any questions without my attorney present. I do however, want to know that you looked at the evidence before you made a decision to make accusations of misconduct and from your answers I have gathered that you have not and that you don't feel that you have to. My attorney will interrogate you - Are you going to hang up on him too?
 Anthony Heras <>
 2:38 PM (3 hours ago)
 to jbriones, valiciad, fdelacruz, ddiamond, hgaladjian, nhise, ehsi, hjenkins, slupo, mramon, vsimmons, hrdepartment, hraddresschange, lgirardi, Alana
 Anthony Heras <>
 2:55 PM (3 hours ago)
 to Tzoler
 I can understand your disrespect too. In your mind you are thinking "How dare you, I am a Dr." and then you turn around and disrespect your students, young people who have not been through the amount of units as you have. I am older than you so at least I expect that your parents have taught you some basic things such as to respect your elders, I have also taken more units than you have so there you go, it seems that you would at least provide some minimum respect. You are not a good person - good people respect others regardless of their background. On the other hand, I don't know if I should thank you - you looked at me and you thought I was so young that you started treating me like a 10 year old. That would have been fine if it was not for the disrespect and your outburst - "You are not questioning me Mr Heras!"
 Anthony Heras <>
 2:55 PM (3 hours ago)
 to jbriones, valiciad, fdelacruz, ddiamond, hgaladjian, nhise, ehsi, hjenkins, slupo, mramon, vsimmons, hrdepartment, hraddresschange, lgirardi, Alana
 Anthony Heras <>
 3:43 PM (2 hours ago)
 to dviar, hacopian, ransford, sbenlian, drabinov, ydavis
 Anthony Heras
 3:43 PM (2 hours ago)
 ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Anthony Heras <> Date: Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 2:18 PM Subject: Re: Memo from the Office
 Anthony Heras <>
 3:47 PM (2 hours ago)
 to dkallas, aculpepper